Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Saadi Mahmoud Irziqat

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


Professor Saadi Mahmoud Irziqat publishes a research on “The effect of using the Tayseer card on increasing demand for Palestine Islamic Bank products.”
Research Title:

The effect of using the Tayseer card in increasing demand for Palestine Islamic Bank products in the Bethlehem and Hebron governorates

The impact of the use of the Tayseer card on demand of the products of Palestinian Islamic Bank in the governorates of Bethlehem and Hebron

Study summary:

This study aimed to reveal the effect of using the Tayseer card at the Palestine Islamic Bank on increasing demand for the products offered by the bank, as well as the advantages offered by this service, and what harms could arise as a result of it. The study also attempted to answer many inquiries about the legitimacy of this service. The card, and how it can be considered an alternative to credit cards in commercial banks. The study reached many results, the most important of which were: that the card provides customers with ease of use and completion of purchases, and this card also gives its holder the authority to withdraw cash whenever he wants, according to his specified limit of The bank accepts it if necessary, and the study concluded that dealing with the Tayseer card can increase the rate of transferring salaries to the accounts of the bank itself that provides this service, in addition to that this card gives an advantage to customers, which is not falling into usury or usurious interest resulting from dealing with credit cards. This is what this card was created for. The study recommended a number of recommendations, the most important of which were: the necessity of working to increase control over card purchases, as many customers indicated weak control over them by the Palestine Islamic Bank, and working to spread awareness about the Tayseer card among Customers, and explaining its features to many of the bank’s customers, especially those who have not used it yet, with the necessity of facilitating the procedures for obtaining it in accordance with the Sharia standards issued by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions.

Publication details:

ISSN 2748-5056

Magazine name:

International Journal of Legal Interpretative Judgment


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