Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Mayssoun Azzam

Mayssoun Azzam

Sector : Media, Journalists

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: United Kingdom
  • Пол: Female
  • Born in:
  • key_age: 50
  • Резюме :


Mayssoun Azzam (May 26, 1973 -), a Palestinian broadcaster with British citizenship. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts and a concentration in Journalism from the Lebanese American University, and also holds a Master’s degree in Global Politics from Birkbeck College, University of London. For Al-Jazeera channel, where she worked in the economic newsletter, and then moved to Al-Arabiya channel since 2003. She also works as a part-time teacher at the American University in Dubai.

Growing up and marching
Maysoon Azzam was born in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, into a Palestinian refugee family. Her father, Nawaf Azzam, and her mother, Isaaf al-Youssef, fled Palestine to Lebanon in 1948. Her father graduated from Beirut Arab University with a law degree, however, he was unable to practice law due to labor laws in Lebanon that prohibit Palestinians from practicing most professions. He also worked as a school principal in the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp in Sidon, before moving with his family to the Gulf.

personal life
Maysoon Azzam is married and has two children, Rayan and Jana

Some of her works:

I wrote many articles and were published on Al Arabiya Net, the most prominent of which were:

We announcers make-up only!
My anxiety crisis intensified
We all need a "sparrow"
On Palestine, I wrote:

A trip to a memory I don't have..
And the meeting was
Maysoon Azzam presented the program Views and Opinions on Al-Arabiya channel, which lasted for nearly two years. She now presents news broadcasts at different times, and takes turns with her colleagues to present a program from Iraq, which is shown on Al-Arabiya screen on Friday evening every week.

In 2010, Nescafe chose Maysoon Azzam to be the new face of its latest campaign aimed at introducing the health benefits of coffee and dispelling common misconceptions about coffee consumption. Nescafe launched the campaign last year after a growing body of independent scientific studies confirmed that coffee in moderation had many health benefits. Cumulative research has proven that coffee is naturally rich in antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage and play a vital role for a healthy body. In this context, Maysoon says, “Since I was nineteen, I have been used to drinking three cups of coffee a day. I start my day by reading a newspaper and having a cup of delicious Nescafe coffee, it motivates me and makes me more active in the morning. After lunch, I have another cup to counteract the afternoon mood of relaxation, and the last cup I drink in the afternoon, to stay energized to take care of my children or to exercise. Besides raising my two kids and my incredibly busy schedule, drinking coffee is one of the few fun moments that I will never let go of. The recent research on coffee gives me an additional reason to enjoy my favorite cup, and I am assured that this habit gives me many health benefits in addition to the great taste.”



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