Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Mazen Al-Qabaj

Mazen Al-Qabaj

Sector : Media, Journalists

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Jordan
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1936
  • key_age: 86
  • Резюме :


Mazen Sharif Al-Qubbaj (1936-2001) is a Palestinian journalist from the town of Anabta in Tulkarm Governorate, and he holds Jordanian nationality.


his life

Mazen Sharif Al-Qubbaj was born in the town of Anabta in the Tulkarem Governorate in the West Bank in 1936, coinciding with the outbreak of the spark of the Great Palestinian Revolution, to find his father, Sharif Al-Qubbaj, a teacher and then a director of the school, but the repercussions of the Palestinian Nakba in 1948 prompted his family to emigrate to Syria and reside in Latakia, then for his family to return After two years to Tulkarm. Mazen Al-Qubbaj completed his education in the city of Tulkarm from Kadoorie University in the city. From Khadoorie, Mazen gained practical experience in media, especially agricultural media, which enabled him to enter radio studios for the first time. His father, Sherif Al-Qubbaj, was a member of the Jordanian parliament representing the city of Tulkarm in 1966.


Hajj Mazen Al-Qubbaj may be the most famous broadcaster in the history of Jordanian radio, due to the nature of the programs he presented on the radio, which attracted a wide audience from various segments and interests, and therefore it was not surprising that he received the UNESCO award in 1991 for his famous agricultural program, which is This is the first time that this award has been presented to individuals, after it was presented to countries, and the Agricultural Engineers Association has noticed the prominent educational role played by this veteran broadcaster, in guiding peasants and farmers and addressing them in the dialect they love, so it went to grant him an honorary agricultural engineer certificate, in recognition of his role And in appreciation of the size of his presence in the lives of Jordanian peasants.


his business

Known in the Jordanian media as “Hajj Mazen”, he is considered, along with Ishaq Al-Mashini, the first to launch the Jordanian drama through the series Madafet Abu Mahmoud, at the request of Wasfi Al-Tal, who was then the director of the Jordanian Radio.


He presented dozens of radio and television programmes, the most important of which are the good land and the guest house of Hajj Mazen.


Added by Abu Mahmoud

A Jordanian radio series that is considered the first in Jordanian drama and was prepared by Mazen Al-Qubbaj and Ishaq Al-Mashini. Wasfi Al-Tal was the director of the Jordanian Radio when he asked Mazen and Ishaq to start writing a radio series in the rural Balkawi and rural Palestinian dialects as well. Sami Haddad, Ghalib Al-Hadidi, Siham Lutfi (Umm Mahmoud), Abdo Musa, Nazmia Al-Rabadi (Falha) and Nabil Al-Mashini (Mahmoud) co-starred with them.


Followers of the Jordanian radio drama’s career agree that “Abi Mahmoud’s guest house” represents a pioneering station and an early announcement of the birth and development of this drama. Thanks to the famous radio presenter, who remained “Hajj Mazen Al-Qubbaj” and his fellow pioneer artists. It is the guesthouse that started with the launch of the Jordanian radio, and gathered around it a wide audience of Jordanians, in the city, the countryside and the desert, before its name changed to the “Holy Mazen Guesthouse”, and then it moved from radio to television.


Perhaps this guesthouse constituted the real launch of the stardom of Mazen al-Qubbaj, who joined the radio when it opened in 1959, and in his testimony and the testimony of his colleagues, the idea of that famous radio program was for the late President Wasfi al-Tal, who was the director of the radio when the guesthouse opened its doors.

Достижения и награды


He received the Medal of Independence of the third and second degrees, and the Kawkab Medal of the second degree, and since he entered the broadcasting gate one distant day in 1959, he did not leave it until his death, to remain in a daily relationship with the public for more than forty years, in which he remained a star close to people’s hearts .


Awards and honors

The Independence Medal of the third degree in 1974.

Medal of Independence, second degree.

Honorary agricultural engineer certificate from the Jordanian Engineers Association.

Award for the International Development of Rural Communications from UNESCO.

The Jordanian Planet Medal of the third degree.

his death

Mazen Al-Qabaj passed away in 2001.




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